On 04/28/2015 06:52 AM, Rob Seastrom wrote:
You'd be surprised how many edge devices (unfortunately) support IPv6
multicast only to the degree necessary to implement neighbor
discovery.  Lean on your vendor.

Yep, I know routers will do it in the latest software, which I cannot quite run (needs a modest hardware upgrade), but I'm still playing around with the edge devices which is why I say "I think".

And for the love of God, do SSM not ASM (requires igmpv3 or mld2).  I
can expound on the problem space off-list if you like.

My routers will do SSM on IPv4 and IPv6, and they will also do SSM mapping, but I do need to check on the access pieces which prefer to be the customer's L3 termination (they CAN hand off L2 to another router, but my preferred routers are not designed for bulk BRAS use). The access gear is somewhat in the "price point" realm and, while surprisingly capable, is not particularly well documented. This was definitely on my checklist before committing to any multicast solution, especially IPv6-based, but I would like to hear your thoughts if you don't mind (via unicast or multicast as you deem appropriate). I've not done a ton of IPv4 multicast and basically no IPv6 multicast in the past. Many vendors are unfortunately just starting to catch up with mainstream IPv6 support in many cases...only took a decade (a frequent lament on here, I know), and multicast is still lagging in that department in many cases.

Brandon Martin

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