On Wed, 22 Apr 2015, Rodrigo Augusto wrote:

Does anyone have some experience to use dwdm monofiber mux/demux ( ex.
fiberstore ) about 68km using a ADFA ? Have I to use a DCM( for chromatic
dispersion ) on this distance? When I have to use a DCM ?

You have to use DCM when the chromatic dispersion caused by your distance exceeds what your receiver optical module can handle.

So the answer is "it depends". If you're using 1GBASE-DWDM optics then you'll be fine, if you use 10GBASE DWDM optics then it depends on the distance they were designed to handle, if you buy the 40km ones then you should have DCM.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se

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