Cables should be within 2 feet of the total distance,  if you order a stack 
several sizes too long then add something like above/below the switch:
Slack should never be stored in the vertical,  only in the horizontal.

-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of shawn wilson
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 1:44 PM
To: North American Network Operators Group
Subject: rack cable length

This is probably a stupid question, but....

We've got a few racks in a colo. The racks don't have any decent cable 
management (square metal holes to attach velcro to). We either order cable too 
long and end up with lots of loops which get in the way (no place to loop lots 
of excess really) or too short to run along the side (which is worse). It 
appears others using the same racks have figured this out, but...

Do y'all just order 10 of each size per rack in every color you need or is 
there a better way to figure this out? I'm guessing something like 24 inches + 
1.75 inchex x Us) + 24 inches and round up to standard length...?

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