Does anyone have a English speaking rep for FiberStore? I have a client with a 
difficult time ordering some custom stuff.  Language barrier is a big issue.

Justin Wilson  Managed Services – xISP Solutions – Data Centers Podcast about xISP topics Peering – Transit – Internet Exchange 

> On Feb 7, 2015, at 4:30 PM, Kenneth McRae <> wrote:
> I will live vicariously though your experiences with them.  I'm good on 
> FiberStore.  :-)
> Thanks for the feedback..
> On Feb 07, 2015, at 01:27 PM, Faisal Imtiaz <> wrote:
> Maybe, your experience was the pivotal event that became a turning point in 
> their customer service attitudes... 
> :)
> Faisal Imtiaz
> Snappy Internet & Telecom
> 7266 SW 48 Street
> Miami, FL 33155
> Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232
> Help-desk: (305)663-5518 Option 2 or Email: 
> From: "Kenneth McRae" <>
> To: "Faisal Imtiaz" <>
> Cc: "Rodrigo 1telecom" <>, "NANOG" <>
> Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 4:24:18 PM
> Subject: Re: Low cost WDM gear
> Point taken on the specs..  Still doesn't excuse poor customer service and 
> tech support.  I never expect to be told that no refund will be issued when I 
> am dissatisfied with the product.   A request for RMA because something is 
> not working as expected should not have to be escalated to the President of 
> the company. 
> Other than that I am sure FiberStore is a great company :-)
> On Feb 07, 2015, at 01:17 PM, Faisal Imtiaz <> wrote:
> My point is......
>     ... The thing to rely on is/are the Specs.
>             If the Specs are right or specs are wrong, that is what 
> determines the product's mfg shortcoming (defect).
>     Mfg. Engineers are people, just like you and me.... and people can make 
> mistakes... 
>     Being an Engineer, when I ask someone to do the design work, I ask them 
> to explain it, and this way I double check their work.... Yes Mfg. Engineers 
> are known to  F***up too.
> While it is expected to be disappointed when something does not work.. and 
> having a bad taste for dealing with that mfg, claiming that all of that mfg 
> products are bad is a whole different issue.
> I deal with FiberStore, my experience have been very different, when stuff 
> purchased from them, did not meet the specs, they took it back no questions 
> asked.
> Regards. 
> Faisal Imtiaz
> Snappy Internet & Telecom
> 7266 SW 48 Street
> Miami, FL 33155
> Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232
> Help-desk: (305)663-5518 Option 2 or Email: 
> From: "Kenneth McRae" <>
> To: "Faisal Imtiaz" <>
> Cc: "Rodrigo 1telecom" <>, "NANOG" <>
> Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 4:01:29 PM
> Subject: Re: Low cost WDM gear
> That's true up to a point.  Specs are only as good as the entity providing 
> the data.  I can tell you a few stories about specs and some MAJOR fails by a 
> major network equipment manufacturer failing to meet advertised specs.  When 
> you engage the engineering folks to assist in a build, they should know the 
> true specs of their gear better than anyone else.  If they say for a certain 
> distance that A+B will work, then that is exactly what I expect.
> That is pretty basic.
> On Feb 07, 2015, at 12:56 PM, Faisal Imtiaz <> wrote:
> More power to you .... 
> I always get a chuckle out of statements such as ... "Compared FiberStore to 
> another Vendor"...  
> It was pointed out to me long time ago.... when someone said.. "My Chevy is 
> better than a Ford"....
> Someone pointed out, hey, which Chevy ?  the Chevette ? or the Corvette ? and 
> Which Ford the Fiesta or Mustang ?
> Every mfg. has a lots and lots of products, and they are always getting 
> improved...
> One has to pay attention to the specs.. even the same model products at 
> different times don't have the same specs !
> :)
> Faisal Imtiaz
> Snappy Internet & Telecom
> 7266 SW 48 Street
> Miami, FL 33155
> Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232
> Help-desk: (305)663-5518 Option 2 or Email: 
> From: "Kenneth McRae" <>
> To: "Faisal Imtiaz" <>
> Cc: "Rodrigo 1telecom" <>, "NANOG" <>
> Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 3:49:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Low cost WDM gear
> That's why I engage the engineering resources on their end to make sure the 
> chosen candidate will support the use case.  I have now performed an A/B 
> comparison and the FiberStore gear is inferior.  Excessive loss on the mux 
> and optics. 
> On Feb 07, 2015, at 12:44 PM, Faisal Imtiaz <> wrote:
> If you pay close attention to the Spec Sheets, on power output, insertion 
> loss, sensitivity, and do the proper calculation for your link, then using 
> anyone's products, passive or active will work unless the devices do not meet 
> specified specs.
> If you don't do your homework, cals on the design, loss, and just buy stuff 
> based on whatever, then it does not matter who the mfg. is, you are very very 
> likely to be surprised in a bad way.
> :)
> Faisal Imtiaz
> Snappy Internet & Telecom
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rodrigo 1telecom" <>
> To: "Kenneth McRae" <>
> Cc: "NANOG" <>
> Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 3:24:43 PM
> Subject: Re: Low cost WDM gear
> What others vendors do you using? Here in Brazil only PADTEC have this
> passive solution... Some days ago Digitel contact me to show your multiplex
> solution... Is a active solution...
> We import this from fiberstore, but i don't know others vendors to buy 10G
> sfp+ cwdm and this mux/demux...
> Enviado via iPhone 
> Grupo Connectoway
>> Em 07/02/2015, às 16:04, Kenneth McRae <> escreveu:
>> Hi Enviado,
>> I cannot recommend FiberStore as I had a bad experience with them. I
>> needed to cover only 3km from A to B side. When using 10km optics, I saw
>> a loss of over 5db with their passive mux inserted into the path which
>> created a total loss of over -20db which is outside of the tolerances for
>> our equipment with 10km SFP+. Using another vendors low insertion loss
>> mux corrected our issue. I am sure if you are using an 80km optic, you
>> may be able to tolerate a higher insertion loss to cover < 60km. I also
>> notice that their CDWM optics averaged about 3db less in power output when
>> compared to other vendors.
>> Thanks
>> Kenneth
>>> On Feb 07, 2015, at 10:33 AM, Rodrigo 1telecom <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi kenneth... which the distance do you have from side A to side B when
>>> you using passive solutions from fiberstore( mux and demux)?
>>> I buy this mux and demux(4 channels single fiber) and only make a test
>>> about 60km( mux side A and demux on side B) with sfp+10gb for 80km... (
>>> only see ddm on my ex3300( about -19db for 60km). Test switch access with
>>> ssh and pinging tests...
>>> What kind os issue do you have? For distances less than 60km is this
>>> solution good?
>>> Thanks!!!
>>> Enviado via iPhone 
>>> Grupo Connectoway
>>>> Em 07/02/2015, às 14:55, Kenneth McRae <> escreveu:
>>>> Mike,
>>>> I just replaced a bunch of FiberStore WDM passive muxes with OSI Hardware
>>>> equipment. The FiberStore gear was a huge disappointment (excessive
>>>> loss, poor technical support, refusal to issue refund without
>>>> threatening legal action, etc.). I have had good results from the OSI
>>>> equipment so far. I run passive muxes for CWDM (8 - 16 channels).
>>>> On Feb 07, 2015, at 09:51 AM, Manuel Marín <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike
>>>> I can recommend a couple of vendors that provide cost effective
>>>> solutions.
>>>> Ekinops & Packetlight.
>>>> On Saturday, February 7, 2015, Mike Hammett <> wrote:
>>>> I know there are various Asian vendors for low cost (less than $500)
>>>> muxes
>>>> to throw 16 or however many colors onto a strand. However, they don't
>>>> work
>>>> so well when you don't control the optics used on both sides (therefore
>>>> must use standard wavelengths), obviously only do a handful of channels
>>>> and
>>>> have a distance limitation.
>>>> What solutions are out there that don't cost an arm and a leg?
>>>> -----
>>>> Mike Hammett
>>>> Intelligent Computing Solutions
>>>> --
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