Now if only T-Mobile would launch IPv6 for I-Devices!! No, blaming Apple for not implementing your chosen transition mechanism is not a valid excuse.
Owen > On Apr 13, 2015, at 2:20 PM, Ca By <> wrote: > > Good news (that i have not personally verified) ! > > Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T all launched the Samsung Galaxy S6 with > IPv6 on by default. > > Given the growth and importance of mobile to Internet, it is great to see > this progress from the mobile carriers. > > Just for those keeping score, of the top 10 Alexa website for the USA, > these major websites prefer IPv6 or prefer NAT44 / NAT64 from the mobile > networks > > 1. Google -- prefers IPv6 > 2. Facebook -- prefers IPv6 > 3. Youtube -- prefers IPv6 > 4. Amazon -- prefers NAT -- :( > 5. Yahoo! -- prefers IPv6 > 6. Wikipedia -- prefers IPv6 > 7. Twitter -- prefers NAT -- :( > 8. Ebay -- prefers NAT -- :( > 9. Linkedin -- prefers IPv6 > 10. Reddit -- prefers NAT -- :( > > Dear Amazon, Twitter, Ebay, and Reddit -- please consider this your > personal invitation to introduce IPv6 to your service.