emails to the registered contacts bounce, for one, undeliverable.

which is a bit of a change from the old chinanet auto-responder which auto-responded to every email with

"i cannot find that IP or that IP not by my Control. Please send the correct 

a number of years back i did have someone contact in chinese and the response was that the customer was doing nothing wrong.


On Thu, 2 Apr 2015, Barry Shein wrote:

The essence of this discussion is IMHO a

Be that as it may how many of you have attempted to contact these
providers in Chinese?

Or do you all have good reason to believe that is never the problem?

On April 2, 2015 at 11:05 ( wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Apr 2015, Mark Tinka wrote:
> > Most of the spam I get comes from North America. Go figure. I'm not
> > about to cut access to that continent off.
> Big difference is that north america is usually responsive to abuse
> notifications and sometimes has LEO who will listen.
> china is neither.
> -Dan

       -Barry Shein

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