I use the ICX 6610's which I believe run the same code train. I use other 
vendor optics to light 3 spans of dark fiber, one of which is 60km, so I have 
Axiom 80km optics in production there. I have had no issues. I also use the VDX 
series switches with other vendor optics and no issues.

Jordan Medlen
Network Engineer 
Bisk Education 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 31, 2015, at 05:55, Florian Figula <flor...@figula.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> does anyone have experiences regarding Brocade ICX7750 and other vendors SFP.
> Information will be helpful for planing new infrastructure and costs.
> Thanks to all!
> Greets,
> Florian

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