On 3/12/15, 7:48 PM, "Owen DeLong" <o...@delong.com> wrote:

>Then, just like the RFCs, maintain the BCOP appeal numbering as a
>sequential monotonically increasing number and make the BCOP editor
>responsible for updating the index with the publishing of each new or
>revised BCOP.
>Note, IMHO, a revised BCOP should get a new number and the previous
>revision should be marked “obsoleted by XXXXX” and it’s document status
>should reflect “Obsoletes XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX” for all previous
>revisions. The index should probably reflect only BCOPs which have not
>been obsoleted

A note of caution:
Please don't exactly replicate the RFC series's model where the existing
document can only be updated by new documents but is not always completely
replaced/obsoleted such that the reader is left following the trail of
breadcrumbs across multiple documents trying to figure out what the union
of the two (or 3 or 14) "current" documents actually means in terms of the
complete guidance. If what you're suggesting is actually a full
replacement of the document so that the new version is complete and
standalone, I think that's better, but really I don't understand why these
can't be more living documents (like a Wiki) instead of just using the
server as a public dropbox for static files. The higher the drag for
getting updates done, the more likely they are to go obsolete and be less
useful to the community.


Wes George

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