it is true that the risk profile has changed in the last 30 years.
his core belief in interconnecting things in an open way, enabling _anyone_ to 
create,build, and deploy
is the core of ISOCs “permission less innovation” thrust.

crypto/security folks are green with envy …  it is somewhat “sour grapes” no?

I count my time working for him as one of the highlights of my life.  In some 
respects, I still do… :)

PO Box 12317
Marina del Rey, CA 90295

On 12March2015Thursday, at 17:31, Michael Thomas <> wrote:

> Jon Postel. I'm told that it is out of favor these days in protocol-land,
> from a security standpoint if nothing else.
> Mike
> On 3/12/15 5:24 PM, Tom Paseka wrote:
>> Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept
>> ^
>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 5:20 PM, Jason Iannone <>
>> wrote:
>>> There was once a fairly common saying attributed to an early
>>> networking pioneer that went something like, "be generous in what you
>>> accept, and send only the stuff that should be sent."  Does anyone
>>> know what I'm talking about or who said it?

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