On 3/1/15 7:24 AM, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> Scott,
> Asymmetric measured where?  Between client and server or between
> servers?  I'm thinking the case where we each have a server running
> locally - how do you get a high level of asymmetry in a P2P environment?

The most densly connected relays by definition have more outgoing than
incoming given the nature of a protocol where messages are flooded by

this is widely reflected in freenix 1000 rankings.


likewise if you are and edge you will undoubtedly receive more than you

> Miles Fidelman
> Scott Helms wrote:
>> Anything based on NNTP would be extremely asymmetric without
>> significant changes to the protocol or human behavior.
>> We ran significant Usenet servers with binaries for nearly 20 years
>> and without for another 5 and the servers' traffic was heavily
>> asymmetric.
>> On Mar 1, 2015 9:11 AM, "Miles Fidelman" <mfidel...@meetinghouse.net
>> <mailto:mfidel...@meetinghouse.net>> wrote:
>>     Aled Morris wrote:
>>         Sadly we don't have many "killer applications" for symmetric
>>         residential
>>         bandwidth, but that's likely because we don't have the
>>         infrastructure to
>>         incubate these applications.
>>     Come to think of it, if USENET software wasn't so cumbersome, I
>>     kind of wonder if today's "social network" would consist of home
>>     servers running NNTP - and I expect the traffic would be very
>>     symmetric. (For that matter, with a few tweaks, the USENET model
>>     would be great for "groupware" - anybody remember the Netscape
>>     communications server that added private newsgroups and
>>     authentication to the mix?)
>>     Miles Fidelman
>>     --     In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
>>     In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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