Sounds coo with the pi idea. Not sure of the cache level you need but we have 
great success with fortigates  performing firewall and local DNS host even for 
a small remote site that is part of an MS AD via a VPN tunnel. It can be setup 
and managed just like a DNS server. No extra devices to learn or manage!

Nick Ellermann
~Sent from my iPhone~

On Feb 18, 2015, at 4:08 PM, Maxwell Cole <> wrote:

+1 for the pi,

The new model has a quad core and 1GB of ram which should be more than enough 
for a DNS.

> On 2/18/15 10:03 AM, Peter Kristolaitis wrote:
> Not "industrial grade", but Raspberry Pis are pretty great for this kind of 
> low-horsepower application.  Throw 2 at each site for redundancy and you have 
> a low-powered, physically small, cheap, dead silent, easily replaceable 
> system for ~$150 per site.   Same idea as the Soekris -- just ship out 
> replacements instead of trying to repair -- but even cheaper.
> Between having 2 (or more) at each site, plus cross-site redundancy via 
> anycast, it would be pretty robust (and cheap enough that you could have 
> cold-spares at each site).
>> On 02/18/2015 09:28 AM, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
>> Hopefully not too far off topic for this list.
>> Am looking for options to deploy DNS caching resolvers at remote
>> locations where there may only be minimal infrastructure (FW and Cisco
>> equipment) and limited options for installing a noisier, more power
>> hugnry  servers or appliances from a vendor.  Stuff like Infoblox is
>> too expensive.
>> We're BIND-based and leaning to stick that way, but open to other
>> options if they present themselves.
>> Am considering the Soekris net6501-50.  I can dump a Linux image on
>> there with our DNS config, indudstrial grade design, and OK
>> performance.  If the thing fails, clients will hopefully not notice due
>> to anycast which will just hit another DNS server somewhere else on the
>> network albeit with additional latency.  We ship out a replacement
>> device rather than mucking with trying to repair.
>> There's also stuff like this[1] which probably gives me more horsepower
>> on my CPU, but maybe not as reliable.
>> Maybe I'm overengineering this.  What do others do at smaller remote
>> sites?  Also considering putting resolvers only at "hub" locations in
>> our MPLS network based on some latency-based radius.
>> Ray
>> [1]

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