I wasn't the implementing engineer but I've been at two places that did that, a 
larger game company and a network gear manufacturer in their engineering 
support computational hubs.  I was there during planning and rollout at the 
game company, very early in the Nexus lifespan.

Both sites brought the FEXes back to 5500s; one used a 6-something for core, 
the other a pair of 7ks.

Game company was more east-west, telco eqpt was very heavy east west.

In both cases it's working fine.

George William Herbert
Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 2, 2015, at 10:17 AM, "Herman, Anthony" 
> <anthony.her...@mattersight.com> wrote:
> Nanog,
> I would like to poll the collective for experiences both positive and 
> negative with the Nexus line. More specifically I am interested in hearing 
> about FEX with N2K at the ToR and if this has indeed made any impact on Opex 
> as well as non-obvious shortcomings to using the fabric extenders. Also if 
> anyone is using any of the Nexus line for I/O convergence (FCoE) I would be 
> interested in hearing your experience with this as well.
> Thank you in advance,
> -A

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