Our university just received notice from AT&T that our e-mail is being blocked 
without much explanation. As all universities send e-mail to the students and 
employees, it is impossible to tell what triggered AT&T's actions.

Does anyone have an AT&T contact? If you are from AT&T, please contact me 


matthew black
e-mail postmaster
california state university, long beach

-----Original Message-----
From: test_re...@att.net [mailto:test_re...@att.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 4:58 PM
Subject: Blocked Email Notification

Dear Postmaster:

We are writing to let you know that we are blocking messages addressed to one 
of our customers at the domain att.net by one of your customers at domain 
csulb.edu. The stream of messages coming from your system appears to consist 
mostly of unwanted commercial e-mail (UCE, or "spam"). To protect our system 
and to ensure that it operates well for all of our customers, we have decided 
to block all messages originating from your system.

Please consult your logs to see what might be causing this situation and how it 
can be fixed. Then visit http://rbl.att.net/block_inquiry.html to request a 
removal of the block. Most requests for removal are honored within two days.

The specific error message received by your customer was:
550 Error - Blocked for abuse. See http://att.net/blocks

Thank you for your assistance in helping our respective customers communicate.

Best regards,

The AT&T Mail Team.

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