
I am having a heck of a time with this Charter order. Today's issue - I
was sent an incomplete LOA from the project manager (PM). Basically,
asking me for charter's information on port numbers and data for the cross
connect at SV1 (11 Great Oaks, San Jose)?  Obviously, I can't provided
that as I can't read minds. ( If I could, Bill Gates would be working for
me. )

At the start...PM sent the field tech out to customer prem to verify the
fiber. A month later, did it again. The Charter field tech called "me"
asking why he had to go twice. Who's on first? (old Abbot and Costello
reference). It's been like this at almost every step on this order which
is now many many months behind. I think this is stuck in some sort of
order twilight zone. My sales team and my customer is getting upset.

Thank You
Bob Evans

Attachment: Blank Charter LOA-CFA.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

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