
> On Jan 2, 2015, at 5:29 AM, Rob Shakir <r...@rob.sh> wrote:
>> On 2 Jan 2015, at 01:54, Jeff Tantsura <jeff.tants...@ericsson.com> wrote:
>> You don't need LDP on RR as long as clients support "not on lsp" flag 
>> (different implementation have different names for it)
>> There are more and more reasons to run RR on a non router HW, there are many 
>> reasons to still run commercial code base, mostly feature set and resilience.
> And test coverage. As Saku alluded to earlier in the thread, rr<->rr-client 
> outages are painful. I’ve certainly seen a number of them caused by inter-op 
> issues between implementations. Running at least one RR which matches the 
> code-base of the client means that at least you’re likely to have fallen 
> within the test-cases of that vendor’s implementation.
> r.

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