> From: leah.revelio...@virginamerica.com > Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:47:33 -0800 > Subject: Level3 to Savvis/CenturyLink problems? > To: nanog@nanog.org > > We have an MPLS backbone from Level3 and are experiencing issues between > two of our San Francisco Bay Area locations – namely our HQ in Burlingame, > CA and our Savvis/CenturyLink Data Center in Santa Clara, CA. Ping > response times between these 2 sites are within the normal range, but our > Applications are timing out. We’ve obviously done a ton of troubleshooting > on the Application side of things, but everything points back to a circuit > issue and after a lot of testing we are scratching our heads trying to > narrow down this issue. So I wanted to post to this list to see if anyone > else has noticed issues with their Level3 circuits in the Bay Area over the > last 2 days as well? Hello Leah, Yes and no, not anymore. >From Monday to Wed we had bad connectivity from LA to Sacramento, but >different from your scenario, ping had a good latency but package loss was >noticeable. After 2 days of phone chattery we managed someone to skip San Jose, San Francisco and the whole SF Bay area, routing us via Fresno-Modesto to reach Sacramento. Latency increased a bit but overall quality was restored. So yes, somehow I can confirm there's something going on with apparent isolated issues on Bay Area, specially near San Jose. Seems isolated because from what I noticed on phone it was "only me". And now you.
> > > > Thanks for your feedback! > > Regards, Leah