Doesn't the MetaMako device do exactly the same thing as the Glimmerglass 
photonic switch?


> On 15 Dec 2014, at 2:50 pm, Peter teStrake <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Arnold,
> I have recently been talking to these guys (
> ) about intelligent cross connect
> management within our data centers.
> Maybe this would work for you, and probably less complicated than a robot.
> Cheers
> Pete
>> On 11/12/2014 09:21, "joel jaeggli" <> wrote:
>>> On 12/10/14 4:33 PM, Phil Bedard wrote:
>>> Curious what the use case is where a photonic or L1 switch wouldn't get
>>> the job done?  
>>> With the robotic system you still need to wire everything up so it's
>>> available to be xconnected.
>> We've done electromechanical cross connect termination before on a very
>> large scale.
>> _3_fernsprechamt_muenchen-schwabing_458px.jpg
>> those systems typically don't have the capacity to connect 100% of the
>> edges at once.
>>> FiberZone was another vendor who made robotic patch panels, but I'm not
>>> sure they are around anymore.
>> their website is still there, I've never seen an AFM live.
>>> Interesting also Verizon has a patent on automated patch panels, but
>>> using 
>>> very specific mechanics.
>>> Phil 
>>>> On 12/9/14, 11:51 PM, "Arnold Nipper" <> wrote:
>>>> Am 2014-12-10 00:36, schrieb Andrew Jones:
>>>> Thank you, Andrew ... while Glimmerglass is really an exciting and
>>>> excdellent system, these devices are exactly those photonic cross
>>>> connects I'm _not_ looking for :9
>>>>>> On 10.12.2014 10:21, Arnold Nipper wrote:
>>>>>> I'm looking for a modular, cost-effective automatic / intelligent
>>>>>> fibre
>>>>>> optic patch panel.
>>>>>> I'm not looking at these photonic x-connects, but really for
>>>>>> something
>>>>>> which does the patching instead of a technician.
>>>> Arnold
>>>> -- 
>>>> Arnold Nipper / nIPper consulting, Sandhausen, Germany
>>>> email:      phone: +49 6224 5593407 2
>>>> mobile: +49 172 2650958      fax:   +49 6224 5593407 9

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