On 11/11/2014, at 1:35 PM, Randy Carpenter <rcar...@network1.net> wrote:

> I have not tried doing that myself, but the only thing that would even be 
> possible that I know of is thunderbolt.
> A new MacBook Pro and one of these maybe: 
> http://www.sonnettech.com/product/echoexpresssel_10gbeadapter.html

Or one of these ones for dual-10Gbit links (one for out of band management or 


I haven't tried one myself, but they're relatively cheap (for 10gig) so not 
that much outlay to grab one and try it (esp if you already have an Apple 
laptop you can test with).

I've done loads of 1Gbit testing using the entry-level MacBook Air and a 
Thunderbolt Gigabit Ethernet adapter though, and I disagree with Saku's 
statement of 'You cannot use UDPSocket like iperf does, it just does not work, 
you are lucky if you reliably test 1Gbps'. I find iperf testing at 1Gbit on Mac 
Air with Thunderbolt Eth extremely reliable (always 950+mbit/sec TCP on a good 
network, and easy to push right to the 1gbit limit with UDP.


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