It still seems broken in some areas. Mail is bouncing from Hotmail to

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 5:08 PM, Michael T. Voity <> wrote:

> I hate to say this, But I think that Network Operators have not see the
> last of of this DNS Hijacking. Craigslist might have been a test to see how
> far they could get and how long it would take for it to be discovered.   I
> hope the FBI and the other Federal agencies out there are involved with
> Craigslist to determine how this happened and put in safeguards in place to
> help prevent this from happening again.
> -Mike
> Michael T. Voity
> Network Engineer
> University of Vermont
> On 11/24/2014 11:52 AM, Stephen Satchell wrote:
>> On 11/24/2014 08:41 AM, Alain Hebert wrote:
>>>      Well,
>>>      NetSol?
>>>      Is it just me or they came up a few times lately (past year) in high
>>> profil case of DNS Hijacking?
>>>  Someone was kind enough to break into one of my domains at
>> -- and to their credit detected the intrusion and reported
>> it to me so I could go fix the problem.  Perp added DNS records to my
>> zone file, which I deleted, and reported the incident to the owner of
>> the IP address.
>> Yes, I changed the passwords.

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