Agreed.  You could still recieve their routes and no/export your as but I 
wouldn't go beyond the firewall.  

Jason Bothe, Manager of Networking
Rice University

o   +1 713 348 5500
m  +1 713 703 3552                                                            

> On Nov 23, 2014, at 17:57, William Herrin <> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Curtis L. Parish <>
> wrote:
>> We advertise our ASN into the state network with more specific routes
>> that we advertise via ISP2 via our ASN.    This is done because the
>> state (vendor managed) network runs stateful firewalls and we have
>> to force other multi-home entities on the state network to use our
>> state connection instead of ISP2.   Our network has been removed
>> from the state firewall due to previous problems with asymmetric
>> routing with our I2 circuit.
> Hi Curtis,
> As you've already noted, the presence of a stateful firewall beyond your
> BGP border is inimical to BGP multihoming. Traffic between two multihomed
> networks must never cross a stateful firewall that is outside both
> networks' borders. Practically speaking, there will asymmetry, path
> flapping, per-packet load balancing and other quirks at locations outside
> your control. The Internet DFZ is a chaotic system. Over time you won't be
> able to make the packets reliably transit the firewall.
> It sounds like this is a learning experience for both you and the folks at
> the state network. If you have a friendly relationship with them, now would
> be a good time to visit and talk about what are likely to be significant
> changes to their network architecture to make multihomed users feasible.
> Preferably with a the help of a local consultant who has BGP expertise.
> If that doesn't sound like it would be a productive conversation then I
> suggest you consider three different options:
> 1. Return to the state network alone,
> 2. Replace your state network connection with another commercial ISP,
> 3. Add an additional commercial ISP for the sake of your Internet access
> needs, drop the BGP advertisements with the state network and then
> implement resources which should only transit the state network using IP
> addresses assigned by the state network rather than your BGP addresses.
>> Here is a question.   I know that having one network advertised by
> multiple ASNs
>> is unconventional and thus it will probably be harder to get help
> troubleshooting
>> routing problems when they arise.    Do you see a situation where our
> network
>> might be caught in a loop or black hole due to asymmetric routing and
> conflicting advertisements?
> Yes. And frequently. You have this thing balanced on the head of a pin.
> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> --
> William Herrin ................
> Owner, Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <>
> May I solve your unusual networking challenges?

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