Larry Krone wrote:
I have a question that Godaddy support will not answer.
That actually seems odd - I've usually found them helpful. But that's
neither here nor there. See below...
My son moved a word press site to Godaddy from another host.
Apparently, unbeknowest to him, the original wordpress site was also the
email host.
The mail was moved from the old server to the new server but the email was
never properly set up via the GoDaddy Cpanel
Question for a Godaddy Guru.
if we set up the email through the cpanel, will it erase any mail currently
in the accounts on the linux wordpress machine, or even acknowledge that the
exist email is there?
As previously noted, what you do on the GoDaddy site will have no effect
on the other server (assuming it's not also on GoDaddy, of course).
What will change things is propagation of DNS record changes. For a
period, mail will flow to both the old and new server, until the new DNS
records get everywhere.
What I'd recommend is something like this:
- check the expiration period for the old DNS record
- monitor both sites for mail for at least the timeout on the old
record; keep monitoring the old site until you're sure no more mail is
getting there
- maybe, put a .forward file on the old site to catch any mail that
leads through (but only after you're sure the old site has the updated
DNS record! - you can't use a physical IP address for forwarding to
GoDaddy, because everything there is via virtual hosts)
- transfer all mail from the old site to the new site (if you use IMAP,
that's pretty easy, or tar up your mail directory)
- then decommission the old site
Miles Fidelman
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra