On 11/08/2014 06:10 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> On 2014-11-08 23:55, Pete Carah wrote:
> [..]
>> Symptom with akamai is that it connects immediately then data transfer
>> times out.
>> With google, symptom involves both slow connection, and data transfer
>> timing out.
> See amongst others:
> https://forums.he.net/index.php?topic=3281.0
> https://www.sixxs.net/forum/?msg=general-12378937
> https://www.sixxs.net/forum/?msg=general-12626989
> ...

> *TEMPORARY* null routing the relevant prefixes on your *CPE* resolves
> the problems you are seeing as then your local router reports !N and
> your browser falls back to IPv4, which then works again.
So, I can do this fine.  How do we get my proverbial grandmother to do it?
(or even my daughter, who at least knows what a router is, but only that
it contains
suitable magic).

-- Pete

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