Owen, should providers be able to over subscribe their networks? If so, at what tier level (tier 1, 2, 3, residential ISP)? Is it acceptable for a provider to permit frequent congestion if they choose to? Or should they be forced to take action that may (potentially) lead to increased customer rates or reduced customer bandwidth?

I do think that Cogent's customers likely expect to receive their full subscription rate, without congestion, nearly 100% of the time (at least within the Cogent network). This would mean that having congestion is a problem and QoS is not a solution to congestion. However, I don't think all customers of all IP transit providers have this expectation. For example, residential customers may be happy with "up to X Mbps" if the costs associated are 1/10th that of a "guaranteed X Mbps" service. This is essentially the difference between "Bronze" and "Silver" service levels. As long as market choice exists, I see no problem with a provider choosing to operate a slow, inconsistent, or unreliable network as long as the internet as a whole, being a piece of critical communications infrastructure, remains available and reliable. Effectively, this would mean that tier 1 and 2 transit providers (including Cogent) would need to be consistent and reliable. While regional transit providers and ISPs would be given much more flexibility. Regardless, I think letting transit providers/ISPs pick winners and losers is a losing strategy in the long term.


Owen DeLong wrote on 11/6/2014 12:10 PM:
The way I read it was that Cogent actually made things look artificially better 
for M-Labs while simultaneously making it much worse for one subset of their 
users and somewhat better for others.

I would suggest that if we get the educational process right, we should be able 
to explain that the point where you’re having to select traffic to prioritize 
is the point where your network is inadequate to the task at hand and should be 

I don’t see any reason we shouldn’t be able to use this article as a prime 
example of a provider doing the wrong thing instead of fixing the real problem 
— Congestion at exchange points.


On Nov 6, 2014, at 8:12 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore <patr...@ianai.net> wrote:


This is interesting. And it will be detrimental to network neutrality 
supporters. Cogent admits that while they were publicly complaining about other 
networks congesting links, they were using QoS to make the problem look worse.

One of the problems in "tech" is most people do not realize tone is important, 
not just substance. There was - still is! - congestion in many places where consumers 
have one or at most two choice of providers. Even in places where there are two 
providers, both are frequently congested. Instead of discussing the fact there is no 
functioning market, no choice for the average end user, and how to fix it, we will now 
spend a ton of time arguing whether anything is wrong at all because Cogent did this.

Wouldn't you rather be discussing whether 4 Mbps is really broadband? (Anyone else have 
flashbacks to "640K is enough for anyone!"?) Or how many people have more than 
one choice at 25 Mbps? Or whether a company with a terminating access monopoly can 
intentionally congest its edge to charge monopoly rents on the content providers their 
paying customers are trying to access? I know I would.

Instead, we'll be talking about how things are not really bad, Cogent just made it look 
bad on purpose. The subtlety of "it _IS_ bad, Cogent just shifted some of the burden 
from VoIP to streaming" is not something that plays well in a 30 second sound bite, 
or at congressional hearings.

It's enough to make one consider giving up the idea of having a functioning, 
useful Internet.


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