If you're not too bothered about vendor specific, I'd recommend the
following coursera course:


On 4 November 2014 14:08, Alex Buie <alex.b...@frozenfeline.net> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Larry Sheldon <larryshel...@cox.net>
> wrote:
> > For learning--work beside an Old Hand that knows it and has a good
> record.
> Speaking of that, I've been wondering for a while if there are ever
> network engineer "apprenticeships," so to speak, or if you guys knew
> of any people or companies who do things like that. Based on my
> observations, the flat "knowledge" of everything will take you only so
> far; there's a lot of tips, tricks, non-conforming platform
> behavior/bugs and "unwritten rules"/"best practices" that really only
> come with the time of being a net admin. I was envisioning something
> like the electrician or plumber-type things where you learn the
> technique from a master artisan of the craft.
> It seems like a job where the best training *is* that hands on where
> you get to see all the big/fun equipment and learn from production
> decisions that were made, strange hardware/configuration problems,
> etc, but I'd never really seen anyone/company who does these types of
> things, and I'd really like to get more experience in the field.
> (everybody I look for that wants a network engineer wants a network
> engineer, with experience already)
> Finally, just more of a general question, what else would you
> recommend to someone who wants to get into the network
> engineer/operations roles? This could be anything, from books to
> classes, to whatever. I do already have my CCNA and A+ from while in
> high school, (my networking I-IV prof was adjunct at the local CC, so
> we could dual enroll in the local CC and get them to pay for our cert
> tests :D) and most of a bachelors in Networking and Systems
> Administration from RIT that I'll be finishing up over the next little
> bit. I also love radio (K2FUR! :)), so something with cellular really
> fascinates me, although any sort of networking/ops/disaster recovery
> really is my passion.
> Anyway, thanks for your time and potential suggestions!
> Alex

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