looks about right in the neighborhood of 9k miles...

from lax or therebouts.

  Upstream   Intf          Nexthop  Sent   Loss        Min        Avg
     Max        Dev
  cogent                x               x          10   0.0%    194.814    
210.255    240.989
  comcast       x               x          10   0.0%    201.723    213.942     
  l3                    x               x          10   0.0%     195.51    
208.189    226.971     10.455
  telia                 x               x          10   0.0%    194.552    
207.392    225.792     10.321

On 11/3/14 1:15 PM, Paige Thompson wrote:
> Hi,
> I was just reading about transatlantic cabling in some hopes that I
> would be able to find an answer as to why the latency between here in
> greece and Los Angeles is roughly ~250ms. This seems to be a really
> common thing, although I'd like to understand why and the articles on
> transatlantic cabling as near as I can tell indicate that I am getting
> screwed if anything (not enough information?)
> (from Los Angeles to my house)
> Konsole output
> Konsole output
> gw~ #mtr --report-wide xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.access.hol.gr
> Start: Mon Nov  3 13:04:02 2014
> HOST: gw                                    Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg
>  Best  Wrst StDev
>  1.|--                          10.0%    10    1.5   3.6
>   1.2  15.5   4.6
>  2.|-- s7.lax.arpnetworks.com                 0.0%    10    0.8  10.9
>   0.8  54.2  20.7
>  3.|-- vlan953.car2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net   30.0%    10   10.5  10.3
>  10.1  10.8   0.0
>  4.|-- ae-27-27.edge6.LosAngeles1.Level3.net 30.0%    10   21.8  16.2
>   8.6  47.6  14.7
>  5.|-- ae-4-90.edge1.LosAngeles6.Level3.net  80.0%    10    9.0   8.9
>   8.7   9.0   0.0
>  6.|-- be3036.ccr21.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com 10.0%    10    1.7   2.1
>   1.4   4.3   0.7
>  7.|-- be2076.mpd22.lax01.atlas.cogentco.com 10.0%    10    1.6   1.9
>   1.6   3.2   0.0
>  8.|-- be2068.ccr22.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10   37.7  37.7
>  37.3  39.0   0.3
>  9.|-- be2173.ccr42.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10   51.6  52.4
>  51.5  57.5   1.7
> 10.|-- be2171.mpd22.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10   62.6  62.7
>  62.4  63.3   0.0
> 11.|-- be2112.ccr41.iad02.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10  155.5 155.8
> 155.5 156.1   0.0
> 12.|-- be2268.ccr42.par01.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10  152.6 152.7
> 152.5 153.5   0.0
> 13.|-- be2278.ccr42.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10  155.3 155.4
> 155.1 155.5   0.0
> 14.|-- be2229.ccr22.muc01.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10  161.2 161.1
> 160.9 161.3   0.0
> 15.|-- be2223.ccr21.vie01.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10  164.9 165.1
> 164.9 165.2   0.0
> 16.|-- be2046.ccr21.sof02.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10  189.5 189.4
> 189.3 189.9   0.0
> 17.|-- be2118.rcr11.ath01.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10  197.5 197.6
> 197.4 197.7   0.0
> 18.|--                          0.0%    10  202.7 202.2
> 200.3 204.2   1.4
> 19.|--                          80.0%    10  208.5 209.8
> 208.5 211.1   1.7
> 20.|-- gigaeth04-13.krs00.ar.hol.gr          60.0%    10  211.3 213.0
> 211.2 218.2   3.4
> 21.|-- ???                                   100.0    10    0.0   0.0
>   0.0   0.0   0.0
> 22.|-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.access.hol.gr         40.0%    10  231.3 231.4
> 231.2 231.7   0.0
> gw~ #
> And to be more clear: I am hoping to learn about the complex trials that
> these packets are going through and how time is being lost if the
> latency across the transatlantic cable is really capable of less the
> 60ms of latency? Sure over capacity (3.2Tbits/s wow jeez) is one answer,
> but what are some other possibilities for loss of time?
> Also it seems with my VPN (OpenVPN) tunnel I get the most reliable
> connection (fewest drops) with:
> Konsole output
> mssfix 576
> fragment 576
> Although this could be a false positive as it only *seems* to help with
> reliability since I changed it. Even then but less often than before I
> still experience drops but I want to believe that's possibly due to my
> ISP at that point.. but assuming my ISP was absolutely perfect and never
> a problem what else there to consider?
> Any and all insight is appreciated.
> -Paige

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