I think one missing or weak component are those who actually make this stuff work vs the pie-in-the-sky infringer/volume/policy crowd.
I've sat in IPC meetings and suffice it to say there isn't much clue on that front and why should there be unless the go-fast/go-always crowd shows up? Sure it does tend to creep in as proposed policies escape and get the attention of the doers but the danger is by that time the infringer/volume crowd might be quite committed to their vision: Make PI=3.0 and full steam ahead. What's also often lacking is simply administrative and management insight but that's not particularly germaine to this group. But I did get into a minor shouting match with an IP lawyer last week in LA who just didn't understand why service providers won't drop everything we're doing to rush through their discovery needs, for free, without indemnification (or similar), or jurisdicational authority, on an as-needed basis. -- -Barry Shein The World | b...@theworld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Dial-Up: US, PR, Canada Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*