On 22. okt. 2014 03:40, Matt Palmer wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 07:20:12PM -0500, Jimmy Hess wrote:
>> Yikes.   What's next?   Built-in DNS server + LDAP/Hesiod + Kerberos +
>> SMB/Active Directory  client and server + Solitaire + Network
>> Neighborhood functionality built into the program ?
> You missed "font renderer". 
> https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/ms14-058

I am not convinced having font rendering *IN THE KERNEL* is much better
for security.. and I doubt they put it in pid 1.

Now, should consoled, the new ntp and dhcp services have been stuffed
into the systemd tarball.. I dont know.

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