On 10/19/2014 02:45 AM, George Herbert wrote:
> Loma Prieta, very little; the UCSC line was a non-redundant T1 from San Jose 
> BARRNET, and the other leaf nodes off that were down.  As I recall the San 
> Jose / SF to LA links were all golden.
> Phone service to Santa Cruz was down, then spotty, then up over the course of 
> a day, but every line was jammed with people checking in so connect rates 
> sucked.  The UCSC point to point T1 had to be manually repaired I think.  The 
> telco lines had alternate routes for calls and made it work, in a bit.
> Northridge a few years later more or less flattened a C&W center just about 
> at ground zero.  CRL's pager-happy 24x7 MUD customer in Atlanta woke me up a 
> minute later, and our lines through LA (and many others' lines) were down for 
> a while.  Dynamic routing was a little less dynamic then; I don't know what 
> others did in great detail.
> CIX lists buzzed etc.  I think that predates nanog as a list by a few months, 
> but memory is fuzzy.
> George William Herbert
> Sent from my iPhone
Northridge cut a section out of the Santa Monica freeway, which took out
a bunch of cable (I think by then it was mostly fiber) between USC and
points west; that got Cerfnet's connections to several west LA customers
(I worked for one of them in Culver City at the time).  I kind of
remember that they restored it by routing through Los Nettos.  At home I
was using the Cerfnet Caltech pop at the time, and had an outage for an
hour or two (and lost power for about that long).  The windstorm a few
years later cut lots of above-ground fiber, though; lots more outages
than any earthquake.
I recall that CSUN was pretty well cut off (both net and roads) for a while.

I don't recall if the Hector Mine quake cut any fiber but there is a
repeater building near the railroad just east of the fault-line
crossing.  There wasn't a ground break that far north so the cables
probably weathered it OK but the building might not have.  (amazing to
have a 7.4 or so quake that almost didn't injure anyone; almost all the
damage was from the derail of the southwest chief westbound.)

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