So based on the response I have received so far it seems cable was a
complicated example with service flows involved. What if we are talking
about something simpler like keeping track of how much data flows in and
out of a port on a switch in a given month? I know you can use SNMP, but I
believe that polls in intervals and takes samples which isn't really
accurate right?

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 1:40 PM, <> wrote:

> Folks, use sflow with rrdtool!
> Quite awesome & handy
> On 15/10/2014 20:14, wrote:
> > On Wed, 15 Oct 2014 13:06:56 -0500, Colton Conor said:
> >
> >> on a cisco switch vs a DSL port on a DSLAM for example? I would think
> these
> >> access switches would have some sort of stat you can count similar to a
> >> utility meter reader on a house. See what it was at last month, see
> what is
> >> is at this month, subtract last months from this months, and the
> difference
> >> is the total amount used for that month.
> >
> > Assume a 20mbit connection.  How many times can this roll over a
> > 32 bit counter in a month if it's going full blast?
> >

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