Hi everybody,
It's been a long time since I've kicked up a new thread here on ye ol
Recently I've been putting some serious thought into home "budget" data
centers. What started out as a little router/switch/virt server lab by
me/myself/I in 2008, has turned into a multisite (7 points of presence
spread across two states), multi rack (223U, 10 racks), multi carrier
(time warner, suddenlink, att dsl, att uverse, blended bandwidth) affair
I've realized that my friends and I may need to approach things a bit
more..... professionally/seriously/circumspectly (is that a word?).
We run OSPF (and soon i/eBGP including out to amprnet) between all the
sites, have a multi vendor (cisco/dell/pfsense/mikrotik/linux) l3/l2
network. All the gear has been sourced from flea markets/ebay etc.
Anyone else on here have a similar situation? How do you deal with it?
(More details/questions after the jump)
I mean my little lab is not quite as .... *ahem* involved as mr morris
home data center
but it's also just a whee bit bigger then the typical /r/homelab posts.
https://commons.thefnf.org/index.php/FNF_Lab << needs a bit more work to
reflect current reality, but you can get the general idea)
So.... how to home/small (multisite) business datacenter/network on
budgetz? Not so much the software side of things (networking/operating
system etc), but more the actual layer 1 stuff (and of course software
to manage all that).
Things like:
* Any good resources for wiring optimization/layout/dos/dont's? (like
say how to hook up surge protector -> ups -> pdu -> gear ?)
* Network UPS tools is what we are considering "betting on" for managing
our multi vendor (APC/Dell/Cyclades) PDU/UPS setup across all sites.
(The joys of sourcing from flea markets). Does anything better exist?
Any issues with running this across a WAN? Any tips for tying it into
LDAP? (We have a large amount of lab gear that we wish to make available
to the public for use by reservation, we don't want them being able to
turn off our production gear) :)
Temperature / Environmental monitoring
* I've found the temper USB sensors to be perfect for per rack
temperature statistics. I believe they will do humidity as well. Any
other good environmental sensors for cheap? I know about PacketFlux
which is cool for an all in one solution. (I'd love to use netbotz or
something, but those are pricy).
* BTU calculation resources?
* Cooling sizing?
* How hot can gear really run?
* Is per rack cooling/airflow via floor fans necessary?
For now we all just have room AC cooling the gear. So far all seems
well, curious if folks have done stuff like pipe AC output directly into
a cabinet etc?
Noise dampening
Any good room partitions or other solutions for noise cancelling? We've
got combination of closed cabs and open racks, so a rack based solution
won't quite cut it.
Also what about insurance?
Probably a thousand other questions/comments/ideas/suggestions, but I
think this should kick off a great discussion!
It's funny how it kind of all just combines/grows and next thing you
know, you've got yourself a whole little internet as it were. :)