We invite PTT.br IXP Members, Autonomous Systems, the Internet community and Vendors to submit proposals for presentations at PTTForum 8 to be held at São Paulo(Hotel Blue Tree Morumbi) on November 24 - 25, 2014 on topics of Brazilian Internet community interest and improvement of Internet services in Brazil, as well as suggestions for new discussion topics related to Internet Exchange Points. The PTTForum 8 edition happens during the 4nd Week of Internet Infrastructure in Brazil, in conjunction with the 5rd IPv6 Forum and GTER 38 (Network engineering and operation work group) / GTS 24 (Network security work group) . Schedule for the selection: . Deadline for proposals reception: *24 October 2014* . Notification of proposal acceptance: *31 October 2014* . Deadline for the submission of final versions: *10 November 2014* Those interested in presenting their work, should send the following data, within the timeframe specified above, to the following address: pttfo...@ptt.br . Complete title of the presentation. . Extended abstract plus a draft of the slides or the complete article if it were available. . Complete name(s), email address(es), biographical data and organization(s) of which the interested parties are part of or represent. . Estimated Time -- Galvao Rezende <gal...@nic.br> +55 11 5509-3524 +55 11 99946-5096 INOC-DBA: 22548*247 PTT.br - http://ptt.br/ NIC.br - http://nic.br/
PTT.br / PTTForum 8 - Brazil Internet Exchange Forum - Call for presentations
Antonio Galvao de Rezende Filho Mon, 13 Oct 2014 08:12:09 -0700