(PS If I wake up in the morning and find out that someone has hacked my
CatGenie litter boxes, I will hunt you down).

"NANOG:  From Cat Poo to IPv6, We've Got It Covered"

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 12:09 AM, jamie rishaw <j...@arpa.com> wrote:

> This makes no sense.
> I have two /48s routed to my house.
> ..to my house.
> The idea that anyone is giving anything less than a 64 is unreasonable and
> will lead to an exponential growth in routing tables.. it's asinine and
> very short sighted.
> Sure, back in the day, I had a server, a couple desktops and a BRI and wow
> who would need more than an ipv4 /28--but let's face reality here--every
> thing, every switch, every night bulb, every door, every window, every
> skylight, every temperature sensor, every tv, every device that a friend
> brings over or even any device that I allow public access to.. every cat,
> every dog, every hamster is going to be microchipped and every single unit
> is going to need to be accessible.... Hell, I have two ips/one each for
> each of my two cat boxes that tell me current status, c'mon.
> My TiVos, my game consoles, my cable boxes, my two printers.. all have
> their own address.
> To think in an unframed context that you know what everyone everywhere
> will need is nothing short of naive and is everything elementarily
> assumptive of (ahem) The Internet of Things.
> The examples I gave are just for my house.. now multiply that times a
> small, medium, large, xl, enterprise or global entity and do the math
> These arguments and debates make me sad. I suppose it's my own fault for
> assuming that everyone in this ML is a forward thinker.
> -j
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 8:18 PM, Erik Sundberg <esundb...@nitelusa.com>
> wrote:
>> I am planning out our IPv6 deployment right now and I am trying to figure
>> out our default allocation for customer LAN blocks. So what is everyone
>> giving for a default LAN allocation for IPv6 Customers.  I guess the idea
>> of handing a customer /56 (256 /64s) or  a /48 (65,536 /64s) just makes me
>> cringe at the waste. Especially when you know 90% of customers will never
>> have more than 2 or 3 subnets. As I see it the customer can always ask for
>> more IPv6 Space.
>> /64
>> /60
>> /56
>> /48
>> Small Customer?
>> Medium Customer?
>> Large Customer?
>> Thanks
>> Erik
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> --
> jamie rishaw // .com.arpa@j <- reverse it. ish.
> "...let's consider this world like a family and care about each other..."
>              -Malala Yousafzai

jamie rishaw // .com.arpa@j <- reverse it. ish.

"...let's consider this world like a family and care about each other..."
             -Malala Yousafzai

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