I don't think it changes much. Passive methods (ie. Faraday cage) would
likely be fine, as would layer 8 through 10 methods.

Actively interfering with the RF would probably garner them an even
bigger smackdown than they got here, as these are licensed bands where
the mobile carrier is the primary or secondary user. [name of company]
has no right to even use the frequencies in question.

Seems pretty consistent to me.


On 10/07/2014 05:28 PM, Larry Sheldon wrote:
> I have a question for the company assembled:
> Suppose that instead of [name of company] being offended by people using 
> their own data paths instead to the pricey choice offered, [name of 
> company] took the position that people should use the voice telephone 
> service they offered and block cell phone service on (and near) their 
> property.
> What would change in the several arguments that have been presented?

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