Well (beware it is friday),

    On the 1st of January 2015:

        . Refuse every routes;

        . Start accepting only those passing some sort of BCP38 specs
performed by some QSA =D;

        . ???

        . Profit;

On 10/03/14 15:03, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
>> The same thing applies here: persistent, systemic sources of large-scale
>> abuse via BCP-38 noncompliance are either:
>>     1. Being operated by clueless, negligent, incompetent people
>> or
>>     2. Being operated by deliberately abusive people
>> There are no other possibilities.  (Note: "persistent, systemic".
>> Transient, isolated problems happen to everyone and are not what I'm
>> talking about here.)
>> It's difficult to know which of those two are true via external
>> observation, but it's not *necessary* to know: the appropriate remedial
>> action remains the same in either case: stop giving them the means.
> So how do we detect these and make sure they feel pain for not doing
> the right thing. The CIDR report hasn't incurred pain as far as I
> know, so public shaming doesn't seem to work even in cases where we
> can detect people incurring hurt on others. So how do we work this? It
> obviously hasn't worked so far, what do we change to make this work?

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