I am delighted to see this, and I hope other conferences will do likewise. Lee
On 9/26/14 10:24 AM, "Dave Temkin" <d...@temk.in> wrote: >I'm excited to announce that for NANOG 63 in San Antonio that we will >begin >the NANOG College Immersion Program. This program aims to provide the next >generation of Network Operators with an edge in today's highly competitive >market and allows us a conduit of highly capable operators, engineers, and >architects. > >Please see below for the full program description. > >Regards, >-Dave Temkin, for the NANOG Board of Directors > > >NANOG College Immersion Program > >Summary: > >NANOG is committed to ensuring next generation of networking professionals >have an opportunity become part of the operational community that makes >the >internet run. Companies such as Google, Level 3, Microsoft, NTT, Netflix, >Yahoo, and Amazon rely on NANOG to discuss key architectural and >operational topics relevant to Internet infrastructure. NANOG believes by >introducing undergraduates to our vibrant community before entering the >job >marketplace, they will have a better understanding of how the >infrastructure of the Internet works and how they might participate after >graduation. Further, students may be able to find internship opportunities >they may have not otherwise found. > >Offering: > >NANOG will provide an expenses-paid trip to the current meeting for up to >25 students per meeting. The paid expenses will include: > > - > > Airfare (up to $500) > - > > Four nights of hotel (must be booked by NANOG staff) > - > > Ground transportation (reasonable cost) > - > > Meal stipend (adjusted for meeting location) > > > >NANOG will also, space permitting, allow free admission for students to >the >NANOG Education Series (https://www.nanog.org/meetings/education/home) >class prior to the meeting they are attending. > >NANOG will provide guidance to students as to what they may and may not >attend. Of note, alcohol is served at some NANOG events and there is the >expectation that those not legally entitled to consume alcohol will >refrain >from doing so. NANOG takes no responsibility for those that break the law >during their meetings and reserves the right to refuse admission to those >that violate our Attendance Charter. > > >Expectation: > >NANOG will not be involved in any syllabus or coursework for the students. >The NANOG organization will provide an agenda and slideware for the >materials that the students will be viewing and expects their professor to >determine the best way their students can extract educational value from >the NANOG program. NANOG asks, in return, that all students complete our >surveys in full and that their teaching staff provide us with a summary of >how they used our program in the classroom and/or in coursework. A few >paragraphs from each student explaining the value that they got from the >program and social interactions would also be a good idea. > > >Q&A: > >Q: What is NANOG and what is the value proposition for sending a student >to >this conference? > >A: The North American Network Operators Group or NANOG, is the >professional >association for Internet engineering and architecture. Our core focus is >on >the technologies and systems that make the Internet function: core routing >and switching; Internet inter-domain routing; the domain name system; >peering and interconnection; and Internet core security. We also cover >associated areas with a direct impact on Internet architecture such as >data >centers and optical networking. The value proposition for the student is >exposure to all of these subjects and technical material but more >importantly to the organizations and individuals. The opportunity for >students to make industry contacts is invaluable. > >Q: How do we select students for this sponsorship? > >A: Send your best and brightest, highlight that the value is the density >of >industry representatives in a common location. > >Q: What do the students owe back to NANOG? > >A: In addition to the anonymous surveys that all attendees are asked to >complete, the NANOG Board would request that all sponsorship recipients >provide feedback on their experiences. Lastly, we would like to encourage >the students join the mailing list (nanog@nanog.org), attend more >conferences and get involved in the industry. > >Q: How do we evaluate our students participation? > >A: Students could provide a variety of deliverables back to the >institution. These could include a writeup of selected presentations from >the agenda, an overview of the conference as a whole, or even a list of >the >individuals they met during the conference. > >Q: What will be covered in the sponsorship? > >A: Hotel, conference fee, airfare, and a reasonable stipend for >incidentals >such as meals. > >Q: Why are you sponsoring our students for this conference? > >A: The NANOG organization is keen to encourage the future technology >leaders and innovators to get interested and involved in this segment of >the industry. >