Likely some sort of potentially serious bug or flaw in EC2 or Xen. AWS
Security is really on the ball on such things and do everything they can to
make invisible fixes with no customer impact, but sometimes a reboot is
required in order to apply the changes necessary to keep customer instances
safe from attacks and vulnerabilities.
Another possibility: getting rid of older hardware. A reboot will keep you
in the same class of service but may move you to a new physical machine.
Unlikely though at this reported scale.
Same thing happened in December 2011 [1].
On Wed, 24 Sep 2014, Javier J wrote:
Just got the same email. Not just US. Servers in Sydney we have also. Why
such short notice?
On Sep 24, 2014 4:58 PM, "Grant Ridder" <> wrote:
Doubt it since a bash patch shouldn't require a reboot
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Gabriel Blanchard <>
Bash related?
On Sep 24, 2014, at 4:47 PM, "Grant Ridder" <>
As an FYI, it looks like Amazon is doing a mass reboot of the physical
hosts in us-west-2 across all AZ's and it is scheduled to start
and take a couple days.
Go to *
see what instances are affected when.
Peter Beckman Internet Guy