Being able to find an Internet connection these days is pretty easy.  Ive
left the data center and driven to mcdonalds to download stuff in a pinch.
But, I can find things in a real book easier.  I think it¹s the way my
mind works.  Its getting easier though on the Kindle. Just learned
behavior is all.


Justin Wilson <> <>
Managed Services ­ xISP Solutions ­ Data Centers
Podcast about xISP topics

On 9/16/14, 9:27 PM, "Roland Dobbins" <> wrote:

>On Sep 17, 2014, at 8:06 AM, Larry Sheldon <> wrote:
>> I think of this "paperless" idiocy every time I write "20 reams of
>>printer paper" on the grocery list.
>While it should be mandatory that things like operational
>plans/procedures and contact lists should be printed out Just In Case,
>the ability to have a near-infinite number of books and other references
>in my mobile phone, which has a 9,000mAh battery which doesn't need to be
>charged more than once every 3 or 4 days (as well as a spare battery of
>the same capacity), makes it a lot easier to a) have ready access to
>reference materials I know in advance I need and b) quickly locate and
>download any additional references I may need, but hadn't anticipated
>needing ahead of time.
>This capability has been of great utility on several occasions involving
>significant sturm und drang.
>Roland Dobbins <> // <>
>                   Equo ne credite, Teucri.
>                         -- Laocoön

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