If you have ties to Grand Ayatollah, it would probably be an automatic 
acceptance into the position.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 1, 2014, at 1:24 PM, "Keith Medcalf" <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:
> Of couse such applications will be accepted.  However, applicants are warned 
> that failure to include a donation will require alternate verification of the 
> requisite lack of morals and ethics.
>> Will applications without a cancelled check for at least 100k in
>> "donations" be considered?
>>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 3:19 AM, Joly MacFie <j...@punkcast.com> wrote:
>>> https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/379628100
>>> Job Title:Telecommunications Policy and Technology Specialist
>> (Internet)
>>> Agency:Federal Communications Commission
>>> $124,995.00 to $157,100.00 / Per Year
>>> As Telecommunications Policy and Technology Specialist (Internet),
>> he/she
>>> serves as a senior expert consultant and advisor with regard to
>> wireline
>>> and wireless broadband technologies used in communications networks,
>>> Internet technologies, Internet networking, and traffic exchange
>> evolution
>>> issues. Provides expert technical and policy advice on the technology,
>>> design, and operations of Internet networks, including changes in
>> network
>>> design and traffic exchange practices and policies resulting from
>> emerging
>>> commercial practices and strategies. Performs investigative analyses
>> and
>>> original research with respect to critical and unprecedented network
>>> operations, service provision, traffic exchange, and content delivery
>>> issues that involve emerging technologies, services, and commercial
>>> incentives; evaluates technical, social, legal, institutional and other
>>> related implications of proposed policy decisions on technology
>> adoption,
>>> deployment, network operations, communications services provision; and
>>> provides input into Commission proceedings that implement those
>> proposed
>>> policy decisions.
>>> Drafts recommendations, decision memoranda, notices of inquiry, notices
>> of
>>> proposed rulemaking, orders, and public notices concerning the
>> technical
>>> and business/financial aspects of designing, building, operating, and
>>> exchanging traffic among Internet backbone networks, and content
>> delivery
>>> and other Internet networks. Drafts correspondence and reports
>> concerning
>>> controversial technical aspects of pending or future issues that may
>>> warrant Commission actions, requesting additional information as
>> necessary.
>>> Initiates correspondence responsive to inquiries from the public, other
>>> government agencies, other parts of the FCC, and Congress. Initiates
>>> communications with the public (including service providers, trade
>>> associations, and consumer groups) concerning technological, business,
>> and
>>> operational issues of specific interest or concern to the Commission.
>>> Provides guidance and leadership over unusually complex newly emerging
>>> technical matters, including those of a precedent-setting nature.
>> Provides
>>> expert technical and policy analysis for the Division on any issues
>>> relating to advanced communications systems, including broadband
>> systems
>>> and the Internet, as assigned by the Division Chief or designees.
>>> Facilitates decision and action on such matters by drafting briefing
>>> material or rulemaking documents and by briefing the Division and/or
>>> Division management on policy or action alternative issues.
>>> ________________________________
>>> Specialized Experience: Applicants must have a minimum of one year of
>>> specialized experience equivalent to at least the GS-14 grade level in
>> the
>>> Federal service.
>>> For this position, specialized experience includes the following:
>>> 1) Experience applying knowledge of network management and operations,
>>> network architecture, Internet technologies and services, broadband
>>> technologies, data communications, and communications network
>> technology;
>>> 2) Experience in a variety of communications networks and systems
>> including
>>> Internet and broadband networks;
>>> 3) Experience performing investigative analyses and original research
>> with
>>> respect to unprecedented network operations and service provision
>> issues
>>> that involve emerging technologies; and
>>> 4) Experience presenting complex technical and policy information to
>>> various audiences.
>>> --
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
>>> WWWhatsup NYC - http://wwwhatsup.com
>>> http://pinstand.com - http://punkcast.com
>>> VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY - http://isoc-ny.org
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -

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