On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Aaron Hopkins <li...@die.net> wrote:
> Is it normal to bill for IPv6 service as a separate product?  I was
> surprised to hear from from my Akamai rep they they do:
>> Hi Aaron, We can add the IPV6 service to the contract at an additional
>> cost of $XXX/month. Please let me know if you would like to go ahead with
>> the service and I can create the contract and send it for your review.
> I've been working on adding IPv6 support to my current project on my own
> time, and am now ready to enable it.  But as soon as there is a recurring
> cost associated with IPv6 support, I need to be able to justify it.  And I'm
> afraid that I can't currently explain a benefit of enabling IPv6 for our
> users.  I'll likely end up not doing so while we're still an Akamai
> customer.
> It's Akamai's network, so it's their choice.  But big players adding
> friction to enabling IPv6 certainly doesn't seem in everyone's best
> interests in the long-term.
>                                     -- Aaron

Cloudflare has a particularly progressive approach to IPv6 and SSL /
TLS, you may want to look at them.


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