On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:06 PM, McElearney, Kevin < kevin_mcelear...@cable.comcast.com> wrote:
> http://www.zdnet.com/internet-hiccups-today-youre-not-alone-heres-why-70000 > 32566/ > > "According to NANOG, and complaints tracker DownDetector, many Internet > providers — including Comcast, Level3, AT&T, Cogent, Sprint, Verizon, and > others — have suffered from serious performance problems at various times > on Tuesday.” > > While we had a few multi-homed customers have problems with their routers, > we did not see anything in the core. Is this just a ZDNET reporting error? > > - Kevin > > Unless you guys are miraculously managing to terminate Nx100G bundles into 6509s with Sup2 or sup3s, I would be really, really surprised if this even made it on your radar. Chalk it up to poorly-researched reporting. And if you *are* handling Nx100G bundles on 6509s, please contact me off-list, I need to get the details on your source for magic router pixie dust. ;) Matt