On Jul 30, 2014, at 1:47 AM, Mark Tinka <mark.ti...@seacom.mu> wrote:

> Symmetrical would be tough to do unless you're doing Active-
> E.

I'm an outlier in my thinking, but I believe the best world would be
where the muni offered L1 fiber, and leased access to it on a 
non-discrimatory basis.  That would necessitate an Active-E solution
since L1 would not have things like GPON splitters in it, but it 
enables things like buying a dark fiber pair from your home to
your business, and lighting it with your own optics.  That to me is
a huge win.

It also means future upgrades are unencumbered.  Want to run 10GE?
100GE?  50x100GE WDM?  Please do.  You leased a dark fiber.  If the
muni has "gear" (even just splitters) in the path they will gatekeeper

It may be a smidge more expensive up front, but in the long run I
think it will be cheaper, more reliable, and most importantly hugely
more flexible.

       Leo Bicknell - bickn...@ufp.org - CCIE 3440
        PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/

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