We haven't had time to diagnose with them, but we ended up having to shut down our BGP sessions with HE last night due to horrible slow speed issues out of TOROONNX.

There's something going on, just don't know what it is yet.

At 02:37 PM 22/07/2014, Shawn L wrote:
On our HE uplink, I'm seeing no packet loss until your hop #9
at that point I see alot

HOST: ********                  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|-- *******        0.0%    10    0.2   0.2   0.2   0.3   0.0
  2.|-- *******                0.0%    10    0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.0
  3.|-- *******          0.0%    10    4.4   4.5   4.3   4.6   0.0
  4.|-- gigabitethernet3-5.core1.  0.0%    10   15.6  15.1  14.1  17.2   1.0
  5.|-- 10ge5-7.core1.mci3.he.net  0.0%    10   26.2  26.7  26.2  30.1   1.0
  6.|-- 10ge5-1.core1.den1.he.net  0.0%    10   39.7  39.7  39.5  40.2   0.0
  7.|-- 10ge14-5.core1.lax2.he.ne  0.0%    10   66.8  65.9  63.5  68.4   1.6
  8.|-- 2001:504:13::3b            0.0%    10   73.0  73.0  72.8  73.1   0.0
  9.|-- 2402:7800:100:1::55       80.0%    10   71.8  71.8  71.8  71.9   0.0
 10.|-- ten-0-5-0-0.cor01.syd04.n  0.0%    10  228.0 228.1 227.9 228.3   0.0
 11.|-- ge-0-1-4.cor02.syd03.nsw.  0.0%    10  228.4 228.4 228.3 228.6   0.0
 12.|-- 2402:7800:0:2::18a        10.0%    10  228.2 228.1 228.0 228.3   0.0
 13.|-- 2001:dcd:12::10           10.0%    10  229.2 229.3 229.2 229.5   0.0

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 2:48 AM, Wolfgang Nagele (AusRegistry)
<wolfgang.nag...@ausregistry.com.au> wrote:
> Hi,
> We’ve been customers of Hurricane Electric for a number of years now and
always been happy with their service.
> In recent months packet loss on some of their major routes has become a
very common (every few days) occurrence. Without knowledge of their network
I am unsure what’s the cause of it but we’ve seen it on the Tokyo - US
routes as well as the London - US routes. It reminds me of the Cogent
expansion which was carried out by unsustainable oversubscription which
eventually resulted in unusable service for a number of years. Having seen
some of the rates that HE has been selling for I can’t help but wonder if
they made the same mistake ...
> Here is an example of what’s going on again atm.
> HOST: prolocation01.ring.nlnog.ne Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst
>   1.|-- 2a00:d00:ff:136::253       0.0%    11    0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4
>   2.|-- 2a00:d00:1:12::1           0.0%    10    0.7   0.8   0.7   1.1
>   3.|-- hurricane-electric.nikhef  0.0%    10    0.7   3.1   0.7   8.3
>   4.|-- 100ge9-1.core1.lon2.he.ne  0.0%    10    9.8  12.6   8.0  19.2
>   5.|-- 100ge1-1.core1.nyc4.he.ne 10.0%    10   74.7  74.6  73.7  80.8
>   6.|-- 10ge10-3.core1.lax1.he.ne 30.0%    10  133.4 138.0 133.4 145.1
>   7.|-- 10ge1-3.core1.lax2.he.net 20.0%    10  135.7 139.1 133.4 145.1
>   8.|-- 2001:504:13::3b           40.0%    10  143.2 143.1 142.1 144.4
>   9.|-- 2402:7800:100:1::55       50.0%    10  144.4 144.1 143.8 144.4
>  10.|-- 2402:7800:0:1::f6         60.0%    10  298.7 298.4 298.2 298.7
>  11.|-- ge-0-1-4.cor02.syd03.nsw. 10.0%    10  299.3 298.9 298.3 299.5
>  12.|-- 2402:7800:0:2::18a        20.0%    10  299.7 299.4 298.9 300.1
>  13.|-- 2001:dcd:12::10           30.0%    10  299.8 299.5 298.8 300.0
> Is anybody else observing this as well?
> Cheers,
> Wolfgang


Clayton Zekelman
Managed Network Systems Inc. (MNSi)
3363 Tecumseh Rd. E
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 1H4

tel. 519-985-8410
fax. 519-985-8409

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