> We$,1ry(Bve been customers of Hurricane Electric for a number of years now 
> and always been happy with their service.
> In recent months packet loss on some of their major routes has become a very 
> common (every few days) occurrence. Without knowledge of their network I am 
> unsure what$,1ry(Bs the cause of it but we$,1ry(Bve seen it on the Tokyo 
> - US routes as well as the London - US routes. It reminds me of the Cogent 
> expansion which was carried out by unsustainable oversubscription which 
> eventually resulted in unusable service for a number of years. Having seen 
> some of the rates that HE has been selling for I can$,1ry(Bt help but 
> wonder if they made the same mistake ...
> Here is an example of what$,1ry(Bs going on again atm.
> HOST: prolocation01.ring.nlnog.ne Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
>   1.|-- 2a00:d00:ff:136::253       0.0%    11    0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.0
>   2.|-- 2a00:d00:1:12::1           0.0%    10    0.7   0.8   0.7   1.1   0.1
>   3.|-- hurricane-electric.nikhef  0.0%    10    0.7   3.1   0.7   8.3   2.9
>   4.|-- 100ge9-1.core1.lon2.he.ne  0.0%    10    9.8  12.6   8.0  19.2   4.1
>   5.|-- 100ge1-1.core1.nyc4.he.ne 10.0%    10   74.7  74.6  73.7  80.8   2.3
>   6.|-- 10ge10-3.core1.lax1.he.ne 30.0%    10  133.4 138.0 133.4 145.1   4.8
>   7.|-- 10ge1-3.core1.lax2.he.net 20.0%    10  135.7 139.1 133.4 145.1   4.5
>   8.|-- 2001:504:13::3b           40.0%    10  143.2 143.1 142.1 144.4   0.8
>   9.|-- 2402:7800:100:1::55       50.0%    10  144.4 144.1 143.8 144.4   0.2
>  10.|-- 2402:7800:0:1::f6         60.0%    10  298.7 298.4 298.2 298.7   0.2
>  11.|-- ge-0-1-4.cor02.syd03.nsw. 10.0%    10  299.3 298.9 298.3 299.5   0.5
>  12.|-- 2402:7800:0:2::18a        20.0%    10  299.7 299.4 298.9 300.1   0.4
>  13.|-- 2001:dcd:12::10           30.0%    10  299.8 299.5 298.8 300.0   0.5
> Is anybody else observing this as well?

Why do you think this indicates a problem? Are you seeing *end to end*
packet loss?

And have you read this Nanog presentation?


Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sth...@nethelp.no

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