Ninth Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec 2014)

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

October 21, 2014

In conjunction with the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols 
(ICNP 2014)

Web page:

Important dates

    Submission Deadline: July 10, 2014 (11:59 PM PDT)
    Notification of acceptance: August 2, 2014
    Camera ready version: August 16, 2014


    The Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec) is a top workshop
    focusing on cutting-edge research with a broad range of topics
    related to secure network protocols.  NPSec 2014 focuses on two exciting
    areas related to secure network protocols.  The first focus is on
    the development and analysis of networking protocols for the secure
    operation of various network infrastructures, including both today's
    Internet and future Internet architectures, wireless and mobile
    networking, cloud-based networking, peer-to-peer and overlay networks,
    online social networking, and Internet of things.  Papers about new
    secure protocols, security enhancements to existing protocols, or
    protocol analysis (such as new attacks on existing protocols) are all
    welcome.  The second focus is on employing such secure network protocols
    to create or enhance network applications, such as those related to the
    Web, online social networking, online gaming, or cloud-based applications.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

    Vulnerabilities of existing protocols and applications (both theoretical
          and case studies), including attacks;
    Design of new secure or resilient network protocols;
    Security enhancements to existing networking protocols
    Deployment study of secure protocols on the Internet (e.g., BGPSEC, DNSSEC,
    Security in future Internet architectures (e.g. Information-centric
          networking, software-defined networking);
    Secure network protocols for network applications (e.g., cloud-based apps,
          online social networking, gaming)

Submission requirements

    Papers need to be submitted at the web page
    Submitted papers must be no longer than six (6) pages in double-column 
    with standard margins (i.e., at least one inch all around) and at least a 10
    point font.  This length includes everything: figures, tables, references,
    appendices, and so forth.  Longer submissions will not be reviewed.

    Papers must be written in English and formatted for printing on US LETTER
    (8.5" by 11") size paper.  Papers should include a title; full list of 
    their organization and email address; and an abstract of fewer than 200 

    All papers must adhere to IEEE formatting standards. Consult the
    IEEE Transactions LaTeX and Microsoft Word Style Files
    Papers must be submitted in PDF (Portable Document Format) and compatible 
    Acrobat (English version), not including any special characters or
    non-standard fonts.

Best Paper Award and Journal Publication

    The Best Paper Award Committee of NPSec 2014 will select a paper in this 
    NPSec Program to receive the Best Paper Award.  Every accepted paper will be
    considered based on its originality, writing quality, potential of impact,
    and its presentation at the workshop.

    We are further working on establishing a journal special issue on secure
    network protocols.  While open to the public, the special issue will also
    invite the authors of quality papers from NPSec to submit an extended
    version of their work.

Steering Committee:
    Sonia Fahmy, Purdue University, USA (chair)
    George Kesidis, Penn State University, USA
    Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Purdue University, USA
    Gene Tsudik, UC Irvine, USA

Technical Program Committee:
    Johanna Amann, International Computer Science Institute
    Fred Baker, Cisco Research Center
    Randy Bush, Internet Initiative Japan
    Wu-chang Feng, Portland State University
    Stephen Kent, BBN Technololgies
    Huan Li, Beihang University
    Qi Li, ETH Zurich
    Olaf Maennel, Loughborough University
    Daniel Massey, US Department of Homeland Security
    Colin Perkins, University of Glasgow
    Peter Reiher, UCLA
    Lan Wang, University of Memphis
    Brian Weis, Cisco Systems
    Tilman Wolf, University of Massachusetts
    Ying Zhang, Ericsson Research
    Xukai Zou, School of Science, Purdue University-Indianapolis

Technical Program Committee Chairs:
    Jun Li, University of Oregon, USA
    Wei Zhao, University of Macau, China

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