On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:00 PM, Song Li <refresh.ls...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I found many ISP announced bogon prefix, for example:

sad, right?

> OriginAS Announcement Description
> AS7018  unallocated
> AS209 unallocated
> my question is why the tier1 and other ISP announce these unallocated bogon

OSS is hard.

> prefixes, and another interesting question is:
> If I am ISP, can I announce the same bogon prefix( with
> AS7018 announced? Will this result in prefix hijacking?

technically you are probably hijacking a hijack :( or something like that.

> Thanks!
> --
> Song Li
> Room 4-204, FIT Building,
> Network Security,
> Department of Electronic Engineering,
> Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
> Tel:( +86) 010-62446440
> E-mail: refresh.ls...@gmail.com

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