On May 24, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Barry Shein <b...@world.std.com> wrote:

> What is this based on other than your subsequent "common sense" reasoning? 
> (directly below)

I've been involved in helping people who've paid.  It didn't turn out well 
(obviously, or they wouldn't need help, heh).

> By "irrespective of what happens" do you include your earlier suggestion that 
> the attacker might be traced and arrested?

Yes - it doesn't matter even if attacker #1 is traced and arrested (which 
doesn't happen often, and takes lots and lots of time), if you're now busy 
dealing with attackers #2 - N.

I've never, ever heard of an LEO recommending that someone pay in these 
particular circumstances - i.e., DDoS extortion.  I doubt one ever would.  But 
if one did, I personally wouldn't follow that particular recommendation, and 
would urge others to seriously think before doing it.

Roland Dobbins <rdobb...@arbor.net> // <http://www.arbornetworks.com>

                   Equo ne credite, Teucri.

                          -- Laocoön

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