On May 14, 2014, at 3:11 PM, Matthew Petach <mpet...@netflight.com> wrote:
> I'm constantly amazed at how access networks think they can charge 2/3 the > price of full transit for just their routes when they represent less than > 1/10th of the overall traffic volume. My guess is that from the perspective of the access providers, they aren't selling traffic volume or routes, per se - their view is that they're selling privileged engagement with large numbers of potentially monetizable individual prospects. Note that I'm neither endorsing nor disputing this perspective, just mooting it as a possible explanation. Are there any real-world models out there for revenue-sharing between app/content providers and access networks which would eliminate or reduce 'paid peering' (an alternate way to think of it is as 'delimited transit', another oxymoron like 'paid peering', but with a slightly different emphasis) monetary exchanges? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Roland Dobbins <rdobb...@arbor.net> // <http://www.arbornetworks.com> Equo ne credite, Teucri. -- Laocoön