On 5/12/14, 10:55 AM, "Owen DeLong" <o...@delong.com<mailto:o...@delong.com>> 
Who cares? It’s insensitive from the end-customer perspective. Same as what I 
pay to Comcast is insensitive to my usage. Amazon hasn’t negotiated insensitive 
pricing with their shipping companies, just as Comcast hasn’t negotiated 
insensitive pricing for infrastructure upgrades.
Seems to me that the analogy holds.

Interesting analogy.

To digress a bit. UPS/FedEx/UPS generally serve as the package delivery network 
for Amazon Prime shipments, though sometimes they do so via smaller regional 
package delivery networks. Also Amazon seems to be experimenting with direct 
delivery in some areas in order to provide a level of delivery quality they 
don’t feel they can get via 3rd party (same day delivery).  As you describe, 
the end users (consumers of Amazon Prime) are insensitive to the shipping cost 
due to the flat fee the consumer paid to Amazon.

This dynamic appears to have contributed to a 2013 holiday shipping season that 
saw package delays (packages sent exceeded capacity to deliver on time), which 
appears to have played a role in FedEx’s recent announcement of a plan to 
charge shippers by size, rather than purely by weight. Some analysis I read was 
that this may prompt companies like Amazon to get more efficient in what they 
send to package delivery networks; packages will become smaller (think fewer of 
those inflatable plastic bags inside).


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