On 5/3/2014 9:10 PM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 11:13 PM, Chris Adams <c...@cmadams.net> wrote:
Once upon a time, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.li...@gmail.com> said:
Oddly, it seems to be specific to AAAA; any other type request I send
comes back NOERROR correctly.  It is like somebody tried to handle AAAA
"special" and screwed it up.

I remember nytimes doing something like this for a while, I believe
they said their GSLB was just not happy doing AAAA, or if not
configured would display similar behaviour.

Thanks for reporting this. I passed it on to the corp-IT people and
the issue appears to be fixed.  The problem was that someone forgot
to override the F5 default of *NOT* enabling a NODATA/NOERROR response
for AAAA queries.  I have no idea why an opt-in would be required for
proper interoperability with RFC 1034 from 1987.  Then again, I have
zero experience with operating a load balancer appliance.


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