If anyone want to provide me with *useful* troubleshooting information,
I'll be glad to help.

I can't tell what use that website has, it offers zero detail.


On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 1:03 PM, rw...@ropeguru.com <rw...@ropeguru.com>wrote:

> Looks like they are having issues other than Atlanta.
> http://downdetector.com/status/comcast-xfinity/map
> On Tue, 22 Apr 2014 09:06:35 -0500
>  Blair Trosper <blair.tros...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm being inundated with reports from Comcast customers in various markets
>> about their inability to reach anything on AWS.  For example, we have a
>> few
>> people in Atlanta that are all having this issue.
>> What's more, they're having weird issues reaching things like Twitter or
>> RingCentral (while other sites like Google and CNN work fine).
>> (RingCentral's support department apparently knows about this and is
>> telling their customers that use Comcast that they're aware of the issue
>> but don't know what's going on at the present time.)
>> Calls to the Comcast customer support just yield the "everything's fine,
>> you're crazy" response from the staff.
>> Can anyone from Comcast give me some help (or information) off list?
>> -bt

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